Today the boys from Jackson came to pick up their winch. We went out for some winch training this morning and were accompanied by some of the local acro heads. Bri, Jake, Marshall and Beck came out to be test tow dummies. I ran both AJ and Pete through the process of towing with the cloud street from getting the winch set up, running the dial, rewind techniques as well as maintenance tips to ensure longevity of this thing.

The crazies were throwin down all morning and it turned out to be a great crew. Thx to all for chipping in to cover expenses and make it happen! I hope the guys in Jackson get some good use out of this unit. It sounds like a good group and they are on the right track and already thinking about putting together a kit that stays with the winch for daily maintenance items and handy towing tools (ie. winch tow checklists, waivers, line fids, weak links etc.). Even thinking about a cover for it since it will be traded around a group of people. Its gonna be a good bunch and I think we will be able to work together to develop tow checklist and what not and share information in order to improve the value of the whole package!
In the works is small manual that will show pictures and tips about running the winch and maintenance tips as well as fine points such as allowable weaklink strengths and such.
Three more winches are starting fab and I may be keeping one for me and beck. I just gotta make it happen before our wedding in Vegas this September....phew. Planning for that is in full swing (I've gotta get two shirts/ties for my friends and buy a suit). Thats why we are doing it in vegas. Easy decisions. I did buy my first suit the other day....now thats a milestone....forget turning 30 last year or 31 this year, or being able say "I remodeled our house" this year...its all about the suit.