Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Towing in Cedar Fort

Winch working perfect, glassy air, not as cold as it looks... Great tow day with Justin, Becky, Loren and Nova. Perfect toy for a winter day with no wind.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

With some initial testing and tweaks out of the way, this winch is finished. We have had several days of great towing in the west desert of utah and look forward to many more. I am thinking southern utah is on the list now that we are getting into cooler weather. Here is a video of the winch in action.

I couldn't be more happy with the results! I am truly excited about this project and believe that this a great answer to the" bulky and heavy" winch woes. This winch weighs in right around 200lbs and will fit right into the receiver hitch of any vehicle. It can easily be installed with two people or one person with the help of transmission jack to wheel it around.

Here are some pictures of the finished product:

Leave a comment or email for more info!


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New Paragliding Winch

Cloud Street Design, LLC has been working on a new design for a paragliding hydraulic payout winch. No longer will you have to dedicate the back of your truck or one side of your boat. This design is compact and will mount onto any vehicle with a trailer hitch. Boat? Both? no problem. This winch is easily transferred between the two.
With its compact, robust design and all the benefits of a hydraulic payout winch this toy will keep you and your friends airborne for hours enough to satisfy any addicted pilot.
More information and video preview to come...

Justin Brim, Mechanical Engineer and designer