Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another Beautiful Tow Day

Heres some pics of our tow day at cedar fort on sunday.  We spent all day in the desert flying under sunny skies with small clouds popping up here and there.  Surprisingly, there were some good thermals mid-day which can be rare this time of year.  We were all able to thermal a bit early on and then the air smoothed out for some good wanking practice right through sunset ;)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trip to Boise

Beck and I took our new winch to Boise Idaho to visit some family and do some flying around the local area.  We flew Melba for a bit but it wasn't quite working so after a couple of sledders we decided to move on.  We found this great highway in the birds of prey area that was desolate enough to do a few tows.

This road went east/west and was right next to the snake river canyon near swan falls.

This one was a last minute one right before sunset and faced north/south.  Turned out to be right into the upper winds and I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Having this thing to tote around on trips like this is exactly why I have always wanted a to build a tow winch.  With several of these things sold this summer, Beck and I are now able to have our own!